Bloons TD Battles Cheat Features
Bloons TD Money
Have virtual unlimited money by setting your income interval per .1 millisecond.
Bloons TD Queue Size
Want to have more on send limit? Bypass the maximum number of 5 now.
Bloons TD Spy
Need to know what your opponent has? See what they have by Spying on them.
Bloons TD Placement
Can’t find a place for those pesky water towers? Set them on land now with our Placement hack
Bloons TD Upgrade
Automatically upgrade all of your towers, even if you don’t own them, with our Upgrade hack.
Bloons TD Edit Deck
Don’t like what’s in your deck? Change things up and edit it to your liking.
Hack Features
Float Netvars
- Scale
- offsetX
- offsetY
- loser_xp_mult
- Duration
- DefaultRangeSize
- InitialAngle
- Interval
- MaxCooldown
- MinCooldown
- mark_timer_seconds
- Radius
- HitAddon
- AircraftRadius
- AircraftSpeed
- InterestMultiplier
- SpreadAngle
- SpinRate
- CutOffDistance
- SpeedDecay
- AnimationStartTime
- PlaySpeed
- ShotDelay
- Range
- TargetRange
- CooldownTime
- CooldownTimeMultiplier
- FireDelayTime
- FireDelayTimeMultiplier
- DamageRate
- InitialTimer
- SpeedScale
- PercentageChance
- BloonLifetime
- DiminishingReturnsDur
- DiminishingReturnsMult
- RangeFromTower
- RandomDelay
- AngleOffset
- MinimumRange
- TowerLifetime
- TargetingArc
- InitialTime
- TargetSize
- MoneyMultiplier
- LivesMultiplier
- CollectionRadius
- BonusMultiplierForManualCollection
- MoneyPerRound
- CollectionDelay
- Amount
- GameSpend
- MatchmakingWaitTime
- invite_check_interval
- wait_timer_reset_threshold
- manual_targeting_sync_interval
- empty_region_sync_interval
- BloonSpawnIncomeMul
- BloonSpawnTimeMul
- BloonSpawnGapMul
- CollectableIncomeMul
- BonusIncomeMul
- PriceModifier
- SellPriceModifier
- RoundPriceModifier
- RoundSellPriceModifier
- SpeedModifier
- GiveCashTimer
- GiveCashAmountModifier
- BloonUnlockRoundMultiplier
- CamoCostMod
- RegenCostMod
- PowerCooldownMultiplier
- PowerGlobalCooldown
- DifficultyMOABHealthIncreasePerRound
- DifficultyBloonSpeedIncreasePerRound
- CardTrashLockDurationSecs
- WinMedallionsMod
- WinStreakMedallionsMod
- RewardKeysPerRound
- Money
- MoneyModifier
Integer Netvars
- priority
- ImageIndex
- Order
- DestroyAfterPops
- AnimationWeaponSlotIndex
- Cost
- IncomeChange
- NumBloons
- UnlockRound
- DiscardCost
- SpotlightCount
- Count
- minimum
- final
- DefaultFlightPath
- TaskLimit
- TotalAmmo
- RemainingAmmo
- LoopCount
- RoundDuration
- EnableSlot
- NumPersists
- DiminishingReturnsMax
- PathIndex
- MaxAircraft
- NumLoops
- NInterstitial
- NRewardedPrompts
- NRewardedSeen
- NBoxPrompts
- NCrossPromo
- NSalePrompts
- NOfferwallPrompts
- MatchIDAppend
- CurrentBattleCardDeckNew
- WarChestHeroSpend
- Age
- XpInventory
- XpGames
- XpDeclinedGames
- PushNotePromptCount
- revision
- VetoOpponentsTowersCount
- CostToQuit
- CostToSpy
- CostToSkipMap
- CostToRollLottery
- CostToRerollLottery
- Countdown
- MaxMapSkips
- MaxLotteryRolls
- SelectableTowerCount
- MaximumPowers
- MinCost
- MaxCost
- lobby_disconnect_limit
- OpponentInitialHealth
- InitialRoundDelay
- TargetRound
- TowerLifespan
- ConsumeMostExpensiveTowerRounds
- MaxNumberOfEachTower
- MaxNumberOfTotalTowers
- TowerBoostUpgradeTowerCount
- TowerBoostUpgradePath
- LoseLivesGracePeriod
- LoseLivesTimer
- LoseLivesAmount
- BloonUnlockRoundOffset
- CamoUnlockRound
- RegenUnlockRound
- PowerEnergyCost
- UnlockAllRanksTo
- MaxUpgradePath1
- MaxUpgradePath2
- DifficultyBloonSpeedRound
- DifficultyMOABHealthRound
- DifficultyMOABFullStrengthRound
- CardTrashCost
- SuddenDeathRound
- WinStreakMedallionsMax
- Health
- StartRound
- BloonSendPath
- refresh_time
- gifting_poll_time
- max_upload_retries
- KickControl_MaxPerTimer
- KickControl_MaxPerTimer_Leader
- active_player_precision
- active_player_min
- active_player_min_lower_range
- active_player_min_upper_range
- friend_list_refresh
- xp_ad_inventory_max
- xp_ad_inventory_refresh_count
- xp_ad_declines_before_hide
- xp_ad_show_after_games
- throttle_percentage
- round_started_event_cutoff
- maxNumPromts
- minutesBetweenPrompts
- Round
Bool Netvars
- ShowEventDuration
- showPopup
- overrideCosts
- showTimeBanner
- hideRoom
- OnlyClubMembers
- NoClubMembers
- ShowInQuickMatch
- ShowInPrivateMatch
- ForceShowWinLoss
- ShowTimeUntilAvailable
- IsAircraft
- IsAgent
- NewTower
- PlayAllAnimationsOnFire
- CanSpotForTowers
- CanBePlacedAnywhere
- CanBeOverlapped
- CanBePlacedMultipleTimes
- UseRadiusPlacement
- FireWeaponAndDestroy
- FiresWeaponsInSequence
- SkipFirstFrameWhenFiring
- UseDefaultRangeCircle
- DontResetAnimation
- DrawWeaponsOnTop
- ConfirmLevel4FirstUpgrade
- CanUpgradeInMenu
- StartingCard
- Visible
- PushNoteRegistration
- CanGoUnderground
- RotateToPathDirection
- TerminateAtEndOfPath
- UseBloonStore
- ManuallyFired
- RequiresTargetToFire
- AllowFiringOnlyOnRoundStart
- SpreadCooldownOverRound
- AnimatesTower
- DrawWhenOutOfAmmo
- DisableSlotWhenOutOfAmmo
- CanTargetUnderground
- RotatesToTarget
- ForwardFiring
- ShowRange
- CanSpotFromOtherTowers
- ReloadOnRoundStart
- CanSelfTargetCamo
- FiresOnRoundEnd
- TargetsIndependently
- CanFireWithNoTargetsAndRoundInProgress
- StartsOnCooldown
- OnlyCollidePastCutOff
- TerminateOnTowerRemoved
- LoopAnimation
- CollidesOnlyWithTarget
- ForcePersists
- OnlyFireTerminateTasksOnZeroPersists
- RemoveOnRoundEnd
- GrowsOnRoundEnd
- HasLimitedDuration
- HasRandomOrientation
- HasFixedAngle
- KeepOnScreen
- TerminateOnCutOffEnd
- InformDamageFromParentTask
- UseRangeModifier
- Sort
- CanHitLead
- LinkScaleWithAreaOfEffectRange
- UseDirection
- AppliedToTower
- IgnoreAircraft
- ApplyToTarget
- FollowTarget
- LoopForever
- TerminateWithParent
- ApplyLinearDodge
- IsAircraftUpgrade
- AcquireTarget
- AimAtTarget
- MarkIDForProjectiles
- AimOffsetsAtTarget
- TerminateOnUserTargetChange
- ApplyToUserTower
- ModifyNewlySpawnedTowers
- ModifyMovingTowers
- TargetIsWeaponTaskOrigin
- CanApplyToUserTower
- ReplacesPriorityLevel
- Stackable
- TaskPersistsWithDuration
- CanTargetCamo
- Kill
- ShredsMultipleLayers
- IgnoreImmunity
- ApplyOnSpawn
- ApplyForDuration
- ApplyToNatural
- ApplyToPlayerSent
- TargetAll
- RemoveOnPop
- UseTowerRangeModifier
- UseTargetPath
- EvenlySpace
- ResetToIdle
- ScaleCurvesByDirection
- TerminateOnCompletedRevolution
- Proxied
- RoundRobin
- OnlyTargetPathLocations
- OnlyTargetPlacementLocations
- HasParentTower
- UseParentTowerUpgradeLevel
- SeekNewTarget
- TerminateOnNoTarget
- ActivateCutOffFromSpotter
- Loops
- TargetShouldFaceWeapon
- StartOnTarget
- Bank
- LimitHealth
- AutoCollect
- ClickOnly
- GivesCashWhenExpired
- CopyOpponentsEco
- Enable
- RemovesBloon
- AnimateOnCollection
- UseSocialAvatar
- HasBoughtXPMultiplier
- HasSeenXpMultUpsell
- MusicOn
- EveryplayOn
- AudioCommentaryOn
- FaceCamCommentaryOn
- ShowAds
- NewDecals
- NewStoreContent
- AttemptedAccountCreation
- RequiresStartingMedallions
- HasSeenChatPackAd
- GuildTOC
- ChatEnabled
- ProcessedWarChest
- HasSeenLinkNag
- HasReceivedLinkNagReward
- RegisteredPushNotes
- RecordGame
- CanSpy
- CanSkipMap
- CanChooseMap
- CanRandomiseTowers
- ForceRandomiseTowers
- ForceRandomiseTowersSame
- ForceRandomisePowersSame
- CanRollLottery
- ShouldShowMedallions
- DisablePowers
- ShouldAllowMonkeyFarmer
- ShouldShowOpponentsTowers
- CanVetoOpponentsTowers
- ShouldForceSameLastTower
- UseCustomMapBorder
- HasOpponent
- HasLiveOpponent
- UseTimer
- AllowRematch
- ShowOpponentOnlineStatus
- SendPlayerStatsRequest
- AllowQuitOnWaitToJoin
- WaitOnClientJoin
- AwardLossOnQuit
- AwardWinOnOpponentQuit
- UnlockAllTowers
- AllowEditDeck
- CamoDetect
- LeadPopping
- empty_region_sync_enabled
- BloonSpawnSendToSelf
- CanEarnMoney
- PauseBetweenRounds
- CanSendBloons
- UseCustomInGameHUD
- ReturnToLobbyAfterGame
- AllowPause
- AutoResume
- ApplyAchievementProgress
- CompoundRoundPrice
- CompoundRoundSellPrice
- CanSellAnyTowers
- CanUpgradeTowers
- TowersAutoUpgrade
- TowerBoostIgnoreDefaultBehaviour
- TowerBoostUpgradeTower
- BloonBoostIgnoreDefaultBehaviour
- BloonBoostUpgradeSendBloons
- BloonBoostUpgradeWaveBloons
- DisableRegenBloons
- StartMatchAfterGame
- LoadTutorialScreens
- UseCards
- UseDefaultDeck
- UseCustomDeck
- ForceStartingHand
- ShuffleDeckBeforeDraw
- IsTower
- AffectsChildren
Hack Information
Released: April 20, 2016
Game Information
Developer: Ninja Kiwi
Publisher: Ninja Kiwi
Engine: Kiwi In-House
Bloons TD Battles was released in December 13, 2012,[33] and later to Android and iOS platforms in Between November 5 & 6, 2013.[34] In April 20, 2016, it came to Steam as a ported version of mobile.[citation needed]
The gameplay is similar to that in Bloons TD 5 but two players compete against one another in one of three game modes. In “assault” mode, each player normally progresses through the levels that are made harder However, the players are also given the ability to purchase additional bloons, sending them to the opponent, overwhelming them.[35] In “defense” mode, the players play a natural game, the screen split vertically. Players can spend money to increase their income. In “Card Battles” mode, the players choose from a selection of cards to use in their games. The cards have two functions: Sending bloons to the enemy player, which, like in Assault Mode, will give the player who sends the bloons income, and placing down a tower. All three game objectives are to outlast the opponent in surviving the bloon attacks. The mobile version of Bloons TD Battles is exclusive as it has 5 non-PC towers, the Monkey Sub, the Monkey Engineer, the Bloonchipper, the Heli Pilot, and an exclusive tower called the “COBRA” (Covert Ops Battles Response Agent).[36] Using the system’s skill-based matching system, players can be automatically matched with one another